Get Started with Discuss

Discuss allows you to bring all of your company’s communication together through messages, notes, and chat. Share information, projects, files, prioritize tasks, and stay connected with colleagues and partners throughout applications. Forge better relationships, increase productivity and transparency by promoting a convenient way of communicating.

Choose your notifications preference

Access your Preferences and choose how you would like your Chatter notifications to be handled.

View of the preferences page for Odoo Discuss
By default, the field is set as Handle by Emails making messages, notes, and notifications where you were mentioned or that you follow, to be sent through email. By choosing Handle in Odoo, they are shown in the Inbox.
Messages can then be Marked as Todo, Replied, or Marked as Read.
View of an inbox message and its action options in Odoo Discuss

The messages tagged as Mark as Todo are also shown in Starred, while the ones Marked as Read are moved to History.

View of messages marked as todo in Odoo Discuss

Start Chatting

The first time you log in to your account, OdooBot sends you a message asking for permission to receive desktop notifications to chats. If accepted, you receive push notifications to the messages sent to you despite of where you are in Odoo.

View of the messages under the messaging menu emphasizing the request for push notifications for Odoo Discuss


To stop receiving desktop notifications, reset the notifications settings of your browser.

To start a chat, click on New Message on the Messaging Menu, or go to Discuss and send a Direct Message.

View of discuss’s panel emphasizing the titles channels and direct messages in Odoo Discuss

You can also create public and private channels.

Mentions in the chat and on the Chatter

To mention a user within a chat or the chatter type @user-name; to refer to a channel, type #channel-name.
A notification is sent to the user mentioned either to his Inbox or through email, depending on his settings.
View of a couple of chat window messages for Odoo Discuss


When a user is mentioned, the search list (list of names) suggests values first based on the task’s followers, and secondly on Employees. If the record being searched does not match with either a follower or employee, the scope of the search becomes all partners.

Chat status

It is helpful to see what colleagues are up to and how quickly they can respond to messages by checking their Status. The status is shown on the left side of a contact’s names on Discuss’ sidebar and on the Messaging menu.

  • Green = online

  • Orange = away

  • White = offline

  • Airplane = out of the office

View of the contacts’ status for Odoo Discuss